Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


According to the Information Technology Act of 2000 and any applicable rules, as well as the provisions of different statutes that have been updated to reflect the Information Technology Act's amendments, this document is an electronic record. There are neither physical nor digital signatures necessary for this electronic record because it is produced by a computer system.

This document has been published in compliance with Rule 3 (1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011, which mandates the publication of's rules and policies, privacy statement, and Terms of Use.

Legal documentation services ("Company"), a Private Company limited by shares, incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, and having its registered office at H. No. 245, New Delhi, India, owns and operates the domain name (the "Website"). Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the term "Company" shall be deemed to include its respective representatives, administrators, employees, directors, officers, agents, and a successor in interest.

Wherever the circumstances so requires, for the purposes of this privacy policy (the "Policy"),

According to the terms of the Indian Contract Act, 1872, "You" and "User" refer to any natural person or entity that accesses or utilizes the services offered on this website and is of legal age to form legally enforceable contracts;

The phrases "We," "Us," and "Our" refer to the Website and/or the Company, depending on what the situation calls for.

Depending on the context, the terms "Party" and "Parties" will be used to refer to the User and the Company both singly and collectively.

The headers of each section in this Policy serve solely to organize the different provisions under it in a logical order; neither Party shall use them to interpret this Policy's provisions in any way. The Parties expressly agree that the headings shall not have any legal or contractual significance.

The Terms of Use of the Website ("Terms," available at and any modifications or additions thereto made from time to time by the Company, in its sole discretion, govern the User's use of the Website. The User expressly accepts this Policy and the aforementioned Terms by accessing the home page of the Website and/or using any of the services offered therein. The User further agrees to be bound by the same. The User fully acknowledges and agrees that the Terms and Policy are co-terminus, meaning that when one expires or is terminated, the other will follow suit.

The User hereby expressly acknowledges and agrees that this Policy and the foregoing Terms constitute a legally binding agreement between the User and the Company and that the User shall be subject to the rules, policies, guidelines, terms, and conditions that are applicable to any service made available by the Website. The User further acknowledges and agrees that such rules, policies, guidelines, terms, and conditions shall be deemed to be incorporated into the Terms and shall be treated as an integral part thereof. The User understands and agrees that the Policy and the foregoing Terms are binding on the User without the need for the User to expressly agree to them. The User further acknowledges and agrees that the User's act of visiting any part of the Website constitutes the User's full and complete acceptance of the Policy and the foregoing Terms.

The User expressly acknowledges that any such adjustments or modifications shall take effect right away, and the Parties expressly acknowledge and agree that the Company shall have the entire and exclusive right to amend or modify the Policy and the above Terms without the User's consent or notification. The User is responsible for reviewing the Policy and Terms on a regular basis and staying informed of their requirements. The User shall be regarded to have agreed to any and all changes/modifications made to the Policy and Terms if they continue to use the Website after such a change. The User is allowed a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited license to enter, access, and use the Service so long as the User abides by the Policy and Terms.


The User hereby expressly consents to the Company's collection and storage of the User's personal information that the User may from time to time provide on the Website, including but not limited to the User's user name, passwords, email address, name, address, age, date of birth, sex, nationality, shopping preferences, browsing history, etc., as well as any images or other information that the User may upload or publish on the Website. The User is aware that the Company/Website will use this information to deliver services and features that are most likely to meet the User's needs and to personalize and develop the Website so that using it is safer and easier for users.

The User understands and expressly agrees that the Company/Website may automatically monitor some information about the User based on the User's IP address and the User's behavior on the Website. The User is aware that this data is used for internal user demographic, interest, and behavior research to help the Company/Website better comprehend and serve its users' interests. The User is expressly informed that this information may include the User's computer and web browser details, the User's IP address, the URL that the User visited before accessing the Website, the URL that the User visits after accessing the Website (regardless of whether these URLs are a part of the Website), etc.

If the User decides to buy goods or services from the Website, the User agrees to let the Company and Website gather data about the User's purchasing patterns and trends.

If the User decides to post messages, reviews, or feedback anywhere on the Website, including but not limited to message boards, chat rooms, other message areas, etc., the User understands that any and all such information provided/uploaded will be collected and stored by the Company indefinitely and that such retained information may be used to resolve disputes, offer customer support, troubleshoot issues, etc., and that such information, if requested, may be provided to third parties.


The User is aware that a cookie is a short file of information that a web server saves on a web browser to help the browser remember details specific to a particular user, such as the User's login identifier, password, etc. Cookies help the browser remember information that is unique to a particular user. The User hereby expressly consents to the Website installing both temporary and permanent cookies on his or her web browser and computer's hard drive. The User is informed that something is going to occur.

The User is further aware that certain pages of the Website employ data gathering tools like cookies to analyze page flow, gauge the success of advertisements, and foster trust and safety, and that some elements of the Website are only accessible with the use of such cookies. Although the User is free to reject the Website's cookies if their browser supports them, they might not be able to access all of the Website's services as a result.

The User is also aware that on some Website pages, third parties or Website affiliates may use "cookies" or other similar technologies that are put by the Company/Website. The User expressly accepts and recognizes that the Company/Website has no control over how third parties use these cookies or other devices, that the Company/Website is not liable for any such use, and that the User is solely responsible for any risks associated with such usage.


The User is aware that the Website/Company may share the User's personal information with other corporate entities and affiliates in order to facilitate joint or co-branded services, where such services are offered by more than one corporate entity, facilitate account correlation to prevent abuse of the Website's services, and to help detect and prevent identity theft, fraud, and other potentially illegal acts.

The User is aware that the Website/Company may disclose personal information when obliged to do so by law or when it reasonably believes that doing so is required to comply with subpoenas, court orders, or other legal procedures. If the Website/Company determines that disclosing this information is reasonably necessary to comply with legal process, enforce the Terms of Service or Policy, respond to claims that any advertisements, postings, or other content violates the rights of third parties, or to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of its users or the public at large, it may also do so.

The User is also aware that the Company/Website (or its assets) may plan to merge with, or be acquired by, another business entity, or in the event of a reorganization, amalgamation, or restructuring of the Company's business, and that the Company/Website and its affiliates may share or sell some or all of the User's personal information with such business entity. This company or new entity will still be subject to the Terms and Policy, as they may be updated from time to time.


The Website offers secure and protected transactions. To safeguard the User from unintended disclosure to third parties, all information entered by the User when transacting on the Website is encrypted. The Company/Website in no way receives, stores, or retains the User's credit and debit card information. The User provides this information directly to the appropriate payment gateway, which is permitted to handle it and compatible with the rules and specifications of the many banks, institutions, and payment franchises with which it is affiliated.


The User is aware that third-party advertising firms are used by the Company/Website to show adverts to Website visitors. The User is aware that these businesses may use data from their visits to the Website and other websites to deliver targeted advertisements to the User. In addition, there may be connections on the Website to other sites where the User's personally identifiable information may be collected. The User expressly understands that the Company/Website is not liable for the privacy policies or the content of any of the aforementioned linked websites and accepts that the User will assume full responsibility for all risks entailed.


By using the Website and/or sending the Company information via the Website, the User consents to the collection and use of the information provided by the User on the Website in accordance with this Policy. This consent includes, but is not limited to, the User's consent for the Company/Website to share or distribute the User's information in accordance with the terms outlined above in Section 4 of the Policy.